Thursday, September 29, 2011

A few of his favourite things...

Happy due date, Levi!  A year ago today I was wishing that today would be the day I would finally get to meet you.  I really, really didn't want to have an October baby and September is quickly running out!  But you waited.  And waited.  And your birthday ended up being the perfect birthday for you!  Can't believe my due date was a year ago already...

In celebration of this little anniversary, here are a few of Levi's favourite things these days (in no particular order):
-  Lennox
-  pulling up our shirts and pinching our tummy skin
-  being chased by us
-  chasing Lennox with us
-  going for walks
-  grabbing my arm and trying to bite my elbow during diaper changes
-  snuggles with mommy (he's becoming a snuggler!)
-  Cheerios, raisins, Gerber Graduates Puffs, corn, chicken, slurpies, ice cream, anything off our plate (hence slurpies and ice cream making the list)
-  pushing chairs, stools, tables around the house while walking behind them
-  electrical cords...specifically chewing on them, though trying to plug them back in is also alot of fun
-  taking everything out of a box/cupboard/etc
-  putting blocks into and out of a box
-  parks, especially the slides
-  eating paper
-  touching things he's normally not allowed to have
-  climbing stairs
-  playing in the bathroom (why do all little kids LOVE the bathroom?  Ick.)

And while I'm in the list-making mood, here are a few of my favourite things about being a mommy:
-  snuggles
-  words starting to form and Levi being able to communicate with us ("MUM!" whenever he wants something, for example)
-  toys and books all over the house
-  little shoes lined up by the door
-  nap time
-  schedule wide open so we can go to the park when we want and stay home and read books when we want
-  picking daddy up from the office for lunch with Levi and Lennox
-  going down the slide with a squealing boy on my lap
-  little arms reaching up for me
-  always having someone to make a toque for

This really is the best job in the world for me.  I'm so thankful that God answered my prayers with our little Levi.  There are certainly hard parts about being a mom and times when I'm just SO tired that I don't want to do anything at all.  But seeing that little smile and having that little body completely relax in my arms...I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Happy almost-birthday, Levi! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blog more?

Man, I really think I need to blog more!  It's been almost two weeks since I've written anything!

Guess what?!  Yesterday afternoon, while my boy blissfully slept the afternoon away (a whole 1.5 hours of it, which was an unusually long nap for him), I scoured the world wide web for fabric to decorate his room with.  And boy, did I find the perfect stuff!

It's kinda...uncolourful, but I think it'll go perfectly with his very green walls!  And, I think it'll grow up with him pretty well too.  I mean, eventually he's gonna not want giraffes and elephants, but by then I think it'll be time to re-do it anyway!  I'm so excited to get this package in the mail and then to do some sewing and finally, to show you all what I've done!  Hopefully I'll be posting before and after pictures of Levi's room in the next month or so!  Stay tuned!

I should add that I ordered the fabric from  The shipping prices were exorbitantly high, but I found a coupon code online for 15% off and I knew I wouldn't be able to find this fabric at a shop for less. : )

Thursday, September 8, 2011

11 months.

I love my little eleven month old boy!  Eleven months ago I was just as round as ever and thinking that our little babe could be making their arrival any day!  And then we waited...and waited...and waited... And then he was born on the perfect day for him to be born. : )

Levi has not been a food lover this month.  He'd rather feed himself more than anything, but he doesn't get much into himself that way, especially since he has discovered that he can throw his food off of his high chair tray.  Ugh.  He looks us right in the eyes, puts his little hand over the edge and slowly opens it so his food falls.  Other times he just throws it too, but it's the times when we tell him not to and he looks right at us and does it again...those are the times when I realize that we'll have many fun times to come with this boy!

Levi loves to play.  This month, his favourite things to do have been playing in (emptying) my cupboards, stacking things to make towers, putting little toys into bigger toys (eg. small ball into larger cup or small link into toilet bowl), and pushing chairs around.  He loves to walk along anything that will keep him up and is getting a bit more adventurous in letting go, though for the most part he's still rather be holding onto something.  I imagine walking will be happening fairly soon.  The only question is before or after the 12 month mark??

Levi is no heavy-weight.  He's been stalled in the 17-19lb range for the past, hmm...6 months?  He is certainly getting taller each month, though!  And really, as long as he's healthy (which he is), I don't mind carrying around a little gaffer!  Saves my arms/back!

Levi laughs fairly easily, but has also discovered yelling.  When he doesn't get what he wants or has something taken away from him or a door closed in his face, he'll let you know!  He is like a light-switch, that boy.  One minute he's happy, then he's mad and yelling, then he's happy again, all within 30 seconds.  I tell ya...who'd he get that trait from??

Everything still goes in his mouth.  Toys, grass, put it in front of him and it's in his mouth in 3 seconds flat.  He'll often latch onto a particular toy while he's playing and will carry it around in his mouth while he plays with other toys.  I'm thinking this must have as much to do with teething as anything.  Speaking of teeth, he has 8 now, two more in the past month.  He's kindly decided to reserve his biting for times when he's hungry, much to my relief.  Before, my shoulders would be all red from his little teeth biting me.  Ouch!  Now I know that if he bites, he needs to be fed asap.  What a great discovery.

He is still napping twice a day, 10am and 2pm but I'm wondering how much longer that will last!  He had his first kayak ride this month.  He also had his first haircut this month. And, he learned to wave!  (That may or may not have anything to do with his daddy having a full time job as of this month and him leaving the house every morning and afternoon.  Lots of opportunities to practice!)

Love you little boy!  In one more month we'll celebrate your first birthday...and what a celebration it will be! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Potty Training

How early is too early to start potty training?  I'm pretty sure that 10-11 months is too early for any formal training but why not dream think about it, right?  What has been your experience with potty training?  And do you mind including details like the age your child was, how you did it, their gender, and big potty or little?  Help a new mama out, yes?  Thanks!