Kayden is 11 months old! Only one more month before her birthday. Now THAT is hard to believe! Where did my teeny tiny little newborn go?? It has been a fun 11 months :)
Kayden remains the sweet, content, easy-going girl that she's always been. I was reading back through my journal the other day and noticed that I described Kayden in her first week of life very much the same as I would describe her now. Laid-back. Easy-going. Patient. Only really making noise when something is quite wrong. Ok, that one has changed a little, but she's still pretty quiet. She "talks" a bit and cries occasionally when she doesn't want to sleep or when Levi is bugging her but mostly she is quiet and watching or playing.
Kayden has been chewing on things but she doesn't really seem like she's teething yet. She's not drooling excessively, acting uncomfortable, feverish...nothing. Even her red cheeks seem to correspond to sickness and not teething. Well, I guess she'll get teeth eventually :) For now, I'll just enjoy not being bitten! Those first teeth are RAZORS I tell you!
Kayden not having teeth hasn't slowed down her food intake at all. She has been downing TONS of pureed baby food in between her meals of "real" food and breastmilk. She eats pretty much everything we eat and gets frustrated if we don't share our food with her :) She took her first bottle this month with very little coaxing. She's also been drinking out of a straw cup a bit but not enough for me to feel good about weaning her completely. We're working on it and I'm hoping that she will be completely weaned around her first birthday.
Kayden weighs just over 17lbs and wears mostly 12 month clothes. She is still on the smaller side for her age, but if I'm going to be carrying her around, it's probably for the better! She is still not getting around on her own at all. She can walk when we hold her hands and stand for a few seconds at a time on her own, but she isn't pulling herself up, isn't crawling, isn't even rolling as a means of transportation. She is quite comfortable rolling over by herself now though! I don't mind at all if Kayden is slower to start moving. I'm enjoying the life of always knowing where at least one of my kids is! She's always right where we leave her!
Kayden has learned to play peek-a-boo by herself this month! It is so cute. She'll grab a blanket or toy or, this morning, her shirt and lift it up to cover her face (or just over her head which doesn't cover her face but is cute nonetheless!) then put it down again. "Where's Kayden??" "OH! There she is!" It's always good for a few laughs. Kayden is learning new things to make us smile all the time. If she notices that shaking her head "no" or patting something with her hand makes us smile, she will do it over and over. That said, she doesn't really seem like an entertainer. She's more of an explorer, doing things over and over to learn about the results more than to keep us laughing.
It really feels like Kayden has turned into a snuggler this month. I'm not sure if it's the Christmas festivities that have made her feel more snuggly or that she is just becoming more snuggly as she gets older but it always melts my heart when she lays her head on my shoulder or chest. I'll take all the cuddles I can get! She isn't a terribly shy girl, it doesn't seem, though there are times when she definitely prefers to be in my arms over anyone else's. That said, if I leave the room, she can often be distracted with toys or animals and be fine without me.
Kayden's favourite toys are still animals/dolls and if they are real life animals or babies, even better! Her eyes just light up when she sees them and she squeals an excited "eee!" Kayden has also discovered the fun of toys that make noise this month. Buttons are so much fun. She has also realized that any container with toys in it can be dumped so this has also become a favourite game. Kayden seems to really enjoy music and starts to "dance" whenever a tune is playing. Dancing, for her, consists of sitting down bounces...kinda like little ab crunches. She'll just sit there bouncing. It's pretty cute, but I'm biased :)
Kayden's eyes are definitely not turning brown, that is 100% clear by now :) But they are not staying a true dark blue either. They still have blue around the edges but hazel is coming in from the middle now. Depending on the day, they are either blue or grey or hazel. Just like her daddy! Her hair is still quite short but there are individual hairs that have survived from birth that stand straight up sometimes. Her bald spot on the back is filling in nicely, though you can still see where it was. Whenever I get anxious to start doing little girl hair, I just remind myself that once it starts growing, I'll have to do every day so I'll just enjoy this bald head as long as I have it!
Kayden had her first Christmas this month. With that came her first new years and her first night spent at "grandma and grandpa yellow puppy"'s house. Other firsts? Not sure. It's been a fairly uneventful month as far as firsts go. She pulls her toques off every time, that's a first! Umm...yeah. Moving on...
It's hard to believe that this is the last month of Kayden's first year. We'll be celebrating her first birthday before we know it. It feels like we just celebrated Levi's first birthday and now it's hers already. Time sure flies. Cliche, yes. But it's true. We love our little Kayden Grace. Happy 11 months, my girl!
Oh, and I almost forgot! Sleep! The issue that just keeps giving :) Actually, we've made some significant steps ahead in this department this month! I was just so exhausted and at my wit send trying to get Kayden to sleep through the night. I had tried EVERYTHING and everything just seemed to make it worse. So finally I decided that, just for ONE night, I would not respond to her at all. I knew she wasn't hungry, no ear issues, not sick. And one night of no mama wouldn't kill her or scar her for life. Turned out she just cried 12 minutes the first time, 10 minutes the second time, and 90 minutes the third time. But she made it through! And seeing how well she did, I decided to stick with it. A few days/weeks later and she's sleeping through the night more often than not!!! We hear her wake up sometimes but she just puts herself back to sleep. You wouldn't believe how luxurious it feels to go to bed knowing that I might not have to get up until morning. It has been a long time coming :) Oh, sweet sleep how I've missed you...