Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will the introverts please stand?

I was talking to someone this morning at church who asked if I had connected with alot of other moms here in town since we moved here.  I said that I hadn't really, that I wasn't going to any moms groups or anything like that and was giving myself time to just settle into routine and get to know the town at my own pace.  She began talking about wanting to invite some young moms over for coffee so that they could get to know each other.  I said that this was a great idea but also mentioned that I'm an introvert so I don't even really notice if I go weeks without really talking to anyone besides Nathan and Levi.  She was astounded and this led into an interesting conversation about the differences between extroverts and introverts.  (She is about as extroverted as they come!)  Funny, though, we realized that while I was more extroverted when in high school, she was more introverted and hardly talked to anybody.  Interesting how things change because now we are both fairly far on our sides of extrovertedness and introvertedness.  Huh.

Anyway, I mentioned this conversation to Nathan on the drive home from church and he mentioned that there was something on facebook about how to care for introverts.  I read through these and was like, "yup!"  People get me and there are other people out there like me (obviously alot) my question is: why is the world still hung up on #12??  :D

Are there any other introverts out there reading this?  How does this list sound to you?  Accurate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Niki, I think that list is pretty accurate. I think that #6 and #7 might be more individualistic, not necessarily because of introvert ism. At least I find myself agreeing to all but those two. I used to be fairly introverted. My #10 however was extremely extroverted which naturally led me that way quite a bit. After she died, I definitely think I stepped back I to my comfortable inside again. I'm trying to decide if that is my true self or if I'm backing into hiding. Here's to home life and being who God created us to be!