Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back to "normal"

Photo courtesy of "A Moment in Time Photography" by Maryvel Friesen.  
What you can see of the bump is almost 31 weeks of baby growth : )

Well, I finally got my old blog template back (YAY!).  On to more fun and interesting things.

Our move has happened and, though we still have a "room of chaos", I can safely say that our place is liveable.  There are a few corners where there are still random boxes sitting around, but it's not too bad for having only moved a week ago today.  Pictures are coming, I promise.  They are all on Nathan's computer, though, and without internet in the house, I can't just switch computers and post them.  Sorry!

On the family front, today I am 31w1d.  Only 9 weeks to go.  Seriously, where has the time gone?!  I am so ridiculously excited to meet this little person.  Did I mention a while ago (near the beginning of my pregnancy) that I thought I knew what we were having, gender-wise?  Well, I take that back.  Completely!  I have no inkling whatsoever of whether we're having a boy or a girl.  For the first few months I was sure that I knew, to the point that I would have been shocked in the delivery room if we'd had the opposite.  But these days I just have no idea.  None.  And while it makes me so VERY curious every single day, I wouldn't have it any other way.  Everything is going very smoothly with baby.  I walked out of my doctor's appointment today pretty much on cloud 9.  Baby is the perfect size.  Perfect weight gain.  Perfect position.  Perfect heart rate.  A year ago I would never have guessed that this is where I would be right now.  Even 7 months ago I had no hope left that I would ever be experiencing this.  And yet here it is.  It is happening.  My prayer is that each of you out there would have the opportunity to experience the joy of a growing family.  That can happen in SO many different ways.  Families come in all shapes and sizes and ways...

Well, I'm sitting out in terrible mosquitoes and on a hard concrete sidewalk so I think I'm gonna get going now.  Time to see if my numb, sleeping legs will carry me back across campus to my home.  There will be pictures soon.  I promise.  What I don't promise is that my definition of "soon" is the same as yours!  Have a good evening, all!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Looking beautiful!

Glad you are on cloud nine and enjoying every minute of your pregnancy.