Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I now understand...

why young moms "let themselves go."

You see, I never really understood this before.  At the very least, I never thought it would be me.  But I see myself slipping and the slope is a very slippery one, folks.  Look out.

When you become a mom, your "me" time flies out the window.  Buh-bye!  It is replaced by many wonderful things like peek-a-boo and diaper changes and feedings.  I love these things.  LOVE.  I went through a few years of wondering if I would ever have these things and I count each one of them a blessing.  Even my lack of "me" time at this point in my life is not something I would change.  But here's the kicker:  What do I spend my limited "me" time doing?  I'd say there are three categories, no four, of things I could do.  I could do housework/take care of the home.  I could do something for someone else.  I could do something that I enjoy.  Or I could get ready for the day.

It's a tough decision some days.  Do I shower and do my hair, get dressed and put on makeup, thus forfeiting my entire morning "naptime" to looking presentable?  This hardly seems like the best option, seeing as my hair will sooner or later end up in the drooly palms of little hands.  My makeup will be smudged and wiped clean by a little face pressing itself against mine.  And my clothes will be spit up on before noon.  Yet, when I decide to just put on sweats and leave my hair and makeup undone, those are invariably the days when someone unexpected comes to the door and I shamefully answer the door in all my mommy-full glory. 

I could say that I do these things for myself.  And to an extent I do.  But when you get a haircut to make this morning ritual more streamlined and it only adds more work...that's when I start to question whether I really need to do this today.  I could throw on a toque and be done with it, free to move on to more enjoyable things (like sewing my new diaper bag -!!!- while the little man is still dreaming of gumdrops and unicorns - oh, but I hope that's not what he dreams of).  Alas, today I know that someone will be coming to the house.  I must be at least 50% presentable...if only I could hire someone to stop by the house every day and style my hair, choose my clothes, and perfect my makeup while I sit and relax.  Now that would be multitasking at its greatest.

So, yes.  It is a battle indeed.  To groom or not to groom, that is the question these days...


Jo Funk said...

My way of dealing with this was to get nice-er comfy clothes. And colours that don't show quite as much drool/snot became my friend! Even just having jeans to throw on instead of sweats went a long way. And then... its about not caring who sees you. You're at home. And have a baby. You won't be in this stage of life forever.

Karis Brandes said...

Mmmhmmmm... This sounds so familiar. I was always the girl who wouldn't be seen without hair and make-up done, but since having babies... Well... Sigh...