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I now know this about myself:
I do not like to be told what to do.
I don't even like to be asked to do something.
Whew. I'm glad I got that off my chest. It appears to be a fairly large chunk of who I am. Haha. And apparently I'm stubborn about it too.
This all came up last night as I was watching tv with Nathan and noticed kids hanging their hands down into the
Ugh! Why not?! I may be admitting to being a horrible person here, but I would have to fight every instinct in me to raise my hand and give them any recognition at all. It's not that I don't want to make a kid's day. I really do think I'm nicer than that. I LOVE to make people happy by giving them what they dream of. But if you really want something from me, please don't dangle your hand in my face begging for it. Drop hints, be subtle, and hope that I'll catch on before too long. ;)
Nathan and I have different love languages. It's fairly clear to both of us that we speak different languages and we both know what the other's language is, though that certainly doesn't make it easy to speak all the time. (ie. I know that the language Dora speaks is Spanish but that doesn't necessarily help me communicate effectively with her. Ok, there are alot of reasons why I don't communicate effectively with Dora, one being the LOCK feature on our tv, but I digress...) Just because I know the name of the language Nathan is speaking, doesn't mean that I can speak that language effectively, or understand him when he is trying to speak that language to me. And the same goes for him speaking/understanding my language. So one way to try to make the other feel loved is to give suggestions...a vocab list of sorts. "If you do _______, I will hear loud and clear that you love me, whether or not you speak with an accent or even know exactly what you're saying." This is all fine and dandy in theory. But I go back to the point of this post. I hate to be told what to do. And I hate being asked to do things that I haven't thought of first. So when Nathan asks me to do something that will make him feel loved, even as simple as a back rub, I get annoyed. I CHAFE, people! I have to fight my gut reaction tooth and nail to pour any kind of sincere love into that action, simply because I've been asked to do it. I'd so much rather be told that back rubs make him feel loved and then be left to initiate a back rub later, on my own terms.
Of course there are many areas in life where this comes into play. Pastor's wives are going to make pizza for an event and you're a pastor's wife so show up at 3pm to start cooking...chafing. Your brother would really like to go hang out with you and your friends tonight so you'll be taking him along...chafing. You should really buy a gift for this person because it would mean alot to them...chafing.
All of those things are good, but wouldn't they mean more if they came from the heart? Wouldn't it mean more if your favourite hockey player went out of his way to acknowledge you rather than swatting your hand out from in front of his face? (yeah, you're right, you probably won't get acknowledged by your favourite team player if you aren't annoying) Wouldn't it mean more if, without being asked, your spouse did the dishes to make you feel loved, just because they knew it would mean alot to you? Wouldn't it mean more if you received a gift from someone, knowing that nobody told them to give it to you?
This is a tricky one for me because I know that alot of those things are good things to do and I know that I don't always think of them myself. But agh...the fight inside when I am asked to do something that I wish I'd thought of myself! *sigh* It gives me a headache just thinking about it.
Are you like me or more like Nathan? Would you rather think of doing things yourself, on your own time? Or do you not mind making someone's day by responding to their blatant request? Thoughts?
I had no idea we were so much alike! I love to rub people's backs, if I initiate the action. I love to bake for people...if it's my idea. There are definitely certain things I do for people because it's my love language. And things I do for them because I know their love languages. But I agree, that it can be difficult for it to feel like an act of love if they ask for it. Then it just feels like an imposition. What if I don't actually feel all that much love for you right now! :)I love your honesty in this post.
Bahaha, I think I'm a combination of both of you. I know my Mom has said that if she ever asked me to do stuff, I would always fight about it, and then an hour later, I would end up doing it anyway. So I guess I resist direction, too, to a point. I don't like feeling pressured into doing stuff - AT ALL - because it makes me resent doing it. At the same time, I like to know what people want, instead of having to try to read their minds..so I like specific direction in what to do. I'm not a leader, I'm a follower, so I like instruction. In some things.
And while it might mean even MORE to me if Dannis was to do stuff without me asking..it still means a lot for him to help me out, even if I have to ask for it. Especially if he does it with no complaint! And though I imagine it is faintly irritating to have to slap random peoples hands on the way onto the ice..I still think it is a nice thing to do. I hope I would swallow my irritability and just do it. It won't hurt me, and it is helpful for them!;) (which I know you realize. That darn chafing..)
I don't mind if someone asks me to do something(different from "telling") because I recognize that sometimes I'm in a zone where I don't see the things that would minister to another person at that particular time. I appreciate knowing what would be meaningful to that person. I'm afraid, no matter how well meaning I might be, that I'm too blind to initiate all the things that would be helpful. So please ask!
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