Monday, March 10, 2014

Number 19: If I could live anywhere...

19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

This one will be short.  If I could live anywhere, I would live right where I'm living.  On an acreage.  Perfect distance to town.  No traffic down our road.  It's pretty near perfect. would be a LITTLE more perfect if it didn't have such hard water.  But we have a reverse osmosis system which means we don't have to haul our excellent-tasting drinking water and we have a great well full of water which means we don't have to haul ANY water. 

Why?  Well, I love living here because we have privacy.  It's not every day that we see vehicles going by.  I love living here because it's beautiful!  We have a treed yard.  We're surrounded by pastures.  We're about a mile (maybe less?) from a gorgeous lake which we drive by every time we go to town.  I love living here because we are remote enough to not see any lights at night within at least half a mile of our yard, yet are only a 13 minute drive from town.  I love living here because we have freedom to do what we want with the yard, without any neighbours watching or talking over the fence.  I loved my neighbours in town, but it's nice to just be able to go out and not think about who might see me feeding the animals in my pajamas every morning.  I love living here because the kids will grow up outside.  They will grow up with siblings and animals as their playmates.  I love living here because we can take a few more steps to being self-sufficient through having a garden, chickens, sheep, etc.  I've always dreamed of living on an acreage and I'm so happy that we were able to buy one that is close to a wonderful small town where we see ourselves long-term. 

If I could live anywhere, I would live right here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love where we live, too. Sometimes. Sometimes(most of the winter) I wish I could transfer our yard, friends and family to a warmer climate! With softer water and less alkaline soil. But when I watch the news or think on the way so many people have to live their lives, I am very thankful indeed. Perspective! And I would never want to live anywhere but a farm. :) Your contentdedness is a very good way to be. - Katie