Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Here's what I need:

I have come to the conclusion that I need someone to dress me.  Sure, I can get up in the morning and, by noon, find myself in some sort of clothing.  But the fact of the matter is, I'm not inspired!  I love to look good and, in high school, I would spend hours going through my closet and figuring out new combinations and outfits.  No longer.

Now, the same few pieces of clothing are worn week after week, day in and day out, and my morning "get dressed" routine goes something like this:

1.  Will I be seeing anyone today? 
-  If no, do I feel like wearing sweat pants all day or am I feeling ambitious enough to put on a pair of jeans?  I'd say I wear jeans about 5 days a week and sweatpants about 2 days a week.  Not a bad ratio for a stay-at-home mom, right?  (In high school, I'm pretty sure I didn't even own a pair of sweatpants...aside from the ones I wore in gym class...and wouldn't have been caught dead wearing them all day)
-  If yes, I step it up a notch.  Jeans are a given - it's all I own besides my sweat pants - and I might pull out a sweater instead of a t-shirt.

2.  Is it a cold day or a warm day? 
Seeing as I rarely leave the house, I dress for how hot or cold the house feels in the morning.  If I wake up feeling warm, I'll put on a t-shirt.  If I wake up a bit chilled, I'll put on a bunny-hug right from the start. 

3.  What don't I mind getting spit-up on? 
This is almost guaranteed to happen and, in fact, spit-up is probably the most preferred on the list of "things that could end up on my clothes today." 

4.  What will be comfortable for nursing? 
No button up shirts (not if I'm staying home all day...all that extra work for what?), something that will prevent "cold tummy" during feeds, not too many layers to dig through (but enough to stay warm).

5.  What will be comfortable for Levi to snuggle against?  No wool, and I generally like to avoid metal zippers...

After all this, I am left with the following:

-  jeans
-  sweatpants
-  t-shirts
-  bunny hugs (hooded sweatshirts with the pocket on the front)

I can live with this for the time being.  Really, I can.  When life revolves around taking care of another little someone, simplicity of wardrobe translates to simplicity of life.  But here's my fear, and why I need someone to dress me:


I know myself that well!  (Impressive, isn't it?)  I will get used to putting on the same five outfits and will forget how to dress myself.  

Now, I love my life.  I love that I consider what I wear with mommyhood in mind.  This is my dream come true.  But seriously, one day I'll need to - want to - look put together again.  Help!

In case you didn't catch this, MARSHA, what I'm trying to say is that I need you to live next door...


Karis Brandes said...

Dude, you're doing better than me. I wear sweat pants any time I'm home and only change into jeans if I leave the house (if I'm lucky) and change back into sweats as soon as I'm home. *Sigh* what have I become?

Marsha said...

While I was reading this I already thought of a few easy trendy outfits that are super comfy and would work with your requirements (other than maybe getting spit up on them....but it washes out right?)
But I have to tell you, there is nothing wrong with the mommy wardrobe...as long as you don't wear it to church :)

Tara said...

This was really funny! Because it's so true :-) I wear sweats all the time if I know I'm just staying at home. If someone comes over {which they do unexpectadly out here...} I quickly run to my room and throw on a pair of jeans. And once I quit nursing I'll have way more clothes to wear out too..since some of them I don't bother wearing b/c I won't be able to nurse very easily in front of other people if I do...

Alicia Buhler said...

The whole time I was reading this I was thinking, you need Marsha! ha ha

Will a shopping trip be in order while you're here?