Thursday, March 31, 2011


I used to hate thrift stores.  I like it when stores have all the matching outfits displayed so neatly so all I have to do is pick my colour and size and I'm done.  I never had the patience for thrift stores before.  But today, thrift stores were redeemed for me.  I stopped by Value Village today with Levi (who slept through the whole experience, what a good little shopper...) and found some amazing deals for the little man, and a sweet pair of shorts for myself too!  Behold, my finds:

Summer onesie... 99 cents
Cute little summer shoes... $3.99
Plaid shorts (every boy needs a pair of these)... $2.99
Quicksilver pants (the fading on the bottom is the sunlight, not the fabric being faded)...$7.99

BabyGap Spring/summer/fall jacket... $7.99
Yep, this little man is happy with his new purchases.  Check.  Moral of the story?  Thrift stores are good, not bad.  End of story. (until one of us comes away with lice...)


Marsha said...

thrift/used stores are GREAT!! And think how good they are for the environment? Very Green :)

and lol lice don't live on clothes for longer than a day or two!

Karis Brandes said...

I LOVE thrift stores and you have totally inspired me to go thrifting again.

That said... Marsha, I did actually get lice from Value Village once... ick...

Trev and Rebekah said...

I love thrift and consignment stores. I get Isaiah's pants at one store just across the border. And I found running shoes and sandles there this week. I love the deals and the fact that I am saving money! Some how I think it's easier to just find clothes for a boy and not have to worry about everything looking so trendy on him.

Alicia Buhler said...

Does this mean that we'll have to hit up a goodwill while you're out, or are you still good with Target? ;-)