Thursday, March 17, 2011


We started feeding Levi rice cereal two days ago.  I don't think very much made it down that first day.  But it was a start and it sure was fun to see the faces he made!  Yesterday I forgot until it was too late in the day to try any (you know, new routine and all that).  Then today we tried some again and he even seemed to enjoy it a bit!  He ate a bit more, though still not a substantial amount, which isn't the point at this stage anyway.  But a few times he actually opened his mouth and leaned in for more (I think that's what he was doing...he got a mouthful of food, whether he was wanting more or not!).  Here begins the wonderful world of solids!



Alicia Buhler said...

Great pictures, as always. Love the expressions!

Karis Brandes said...

1) Second picture from the top... looks so much like Nathan it's crazy
2) We have the same spoons :)
3) I love that he's rocking the purple Bumbo
4) You're incredibly brave for feeding him in clothes. I think we stripped naked for the first few weeks of solids!

The Hatch's said...

Oh fun! Love his little expressions! We started Linnea on cereal this week too!! Our issue has been keeping her hands down so she doesn't fling it all over the room!