Sunday, March 27, 2011

picture post...

Have I mentioned that I just LOVE being this guy's mommy?
 Aren't sleeping babies just the best?  Levi is a very light sleeper so I don't have many sleeping pictures of him cause the camera tends to wake him up, but the other day it was about time for him to wake up from his nap anyway so I took my chances and snapped a few pictures. 

  Levi has discovered the mirror on his exersaucer but instead of looking himself (I don't think he's figured that part out yet or else just doesn't care) he looks at you through the mirror.  It's so fun to watch him look in the mirror, then up at the "real" you, then back at the mirror.  It seems like his brain is working overtime trying to figure that one out...

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Such a cute little man you have! And yes sleeping babies are the best. Every night I check on my little of the best parts of my day.