Sunday, October 24, 2010

oh. my. goodness.

Levi and Auntie Alicia...1 week old
I've got four words for you all out there.  Two week growth spurt.  Wow, can this boy eat!  I'd been warned about the 2 week growth spurt, but I was never prepared for this.  I mean, what does a growth spurt mean, really, if you've never experienced one before?  Well, I'll tell you what it means:

-  baby boy is suddenly eating every 20-60 minutes during the day when feeding every 2 hours was the norm two days ago
-  baby boy seems unusually fussy, but in reality is still only fussing before (hunger) and after (gas) feeds...we are just constantly in a state of "before" or "after" a feed!
-  baby boy's double chin is well on its way and his cheeks are chubbing

I am certainly looking forward to this phase passing.  It is by no means a terrible stage, but I miss our content, predictable little man.  It seems all I do these days is feed and change him, over and over and over.  Our bumGenius AIO's are certainly getting a work-out, let me tell you!


Alicia Buhler said...

Yikes! I'll be curious what the next dr's appointment reveals in terms of his growth. Take care of yourself.

Chantelle - ThousandSquareFeet said...

I remember this time in my life. It was then I told Jay he was not allowed to ask "What did you do today?" anymore. I got tired of saying "Fed the baby, changed the baby, fed the baby, changed the baby, had a nap, fed the baby, changed the baby." I felt so utterly useless. He reminded me I was sustaining the life of our child, what more important things are there?! So, the question was changed to "How was your day?".