Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I just realized today that I completely forgot to show you some pictures that we took while I was still pregnant!  I had forgotten about them myself, because we had them hidden away so that nobody would accidentally find them on our computer, and just today I remembered and am having some printed!  Yay!  I love finding things like this!

Levi's nickname pre-birth was "McBaby"

McBaby kicked the "Y" off of my tummy while we were taking these shots...apparently "McBab" was better?

Though we didn't have a name until the next day when Levi was first born, we had been talking about the name "Levi" for years and, at the point these pictures were taken, we thought we were decided.


Trev and Rebekah said...

Great pics. I like the name Levi

Alicia Buhler said...

The last picture is my favorite!