Sunday, January 3, 2010

Late nights...

What to do when the clock is ticking later and later and your body is nowhere near ready for sleep?  Our schedule has taken a beating since classes ended in early December.  While there were classes, we tried to be in bed by 11 or 12 and slept until 7:30 on class days, and about 8:30 on other days.  We had a pretty regular routine. 

And then winter break hit.

*dun, dun, dunnnnnn*

We've been staying up later, and as a result, sleeping in later, and therefore staying up even later, and sleeping EVEN later.  Not good, people.  My body has NO idea what to do with itself. 

The other morning I decided that I was going to start getting myself back on track and got out of bed at 7:30am.  Nice work, right?  Well, I started reading my book on the my pajamas...wrapped in a blanket.  And then I napped until noon.  Of course I couldn't sleep that night until 2am.  Arg.

Well, last night I was suddenly crazy tired at 9pm.  I was so excited, but tried not to let my excitement wake me up.  I put on my pajamas, crawled into bed with my book, and ended up shutting off my light at 9:46pm.  Impressive, right?  And the most impressive part is yet to come.  I slept 13 hours straight, waking up at 11am.  So guess what?  Now it's 11:18pm and I'm not tired in the least.  So should I go to bed and lay there in the dark, frustrated because I can't sleep, for two more hours?  Or should I scout the internet for interesting quilt patterns, crochet projects, and fun blogs?  I'll go for the latter.  Though reading my C.S. Lewis book would probably put me to sleep much more effectively.

Before I go, I'll answer my mother-in-law's question (and probably a few others had the same question): "What's an etsy seller? I don't understand. Could you please teach me about it?"  Absolutely.

An Etsy seller is someone who sells things on Etsy.  But I've heard that you should never give a definition of something using the same word that is in the original term in question.  So next I'll answer what Etsy is.

Etsy is "Your place to buy & sell all things handmade."  - Etsy.  It is an online group of "shops" where people from anywhere, really, list things that they have made and people can see these things and buy them directly from the maker.  The maker then is responsible for shipping the handmade item to the buyer.  I call it the Ebay of the craft world.  I'm sure it is not really very much like Ebay...but it kind of gives you an idea of what it's like. 

So being an Etsy seller, I have my own "shop" where I can list things that I have made and sell them to people around the world!  Pretty fun, I'd say.  So far some things that I've thought of making and selling on my site are:

-  afghans (crocheted blankets)
-  crocheted hats/toques/beanies
-  quilts?
-  scarves (also crocheted)
-  anything else that I find to crochet or sew
-  perhaps one day I'll try to sell some photography...but for now I like to keep my camera skills mostly to myself : )

So that's that.  Well, I think I'll head offline and see if C.S. Lewis has any interesting things to teach me. (I'm reading The Great Divorce, which is quite good, as are all things Lewis that I've read.)

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