Monday, March 29, 2010

Question of the day...

Hey everyone, so I have a question for you all.  (seriously, it's for ALL of you, so I'd love feedback!)

For those of you who have private blogs:
What were contributing factors to helping you decide to go private?  Ultimately, what made you make that decision?  Has it been a good decision?  Has going private accomplished it's purpose?

For those of you who have non-private blogs:
Why have you not gone private?  Why do you keep your blog open to the world, and are you comfortable with anyone reading anything?  Do you ever think about going private?

Obviously I am ok with everyone reading everything because I've chosen to have non-private blogs for the last...almost four years.  But I've been noticing lately that about half my friends have private blogs and the other half have non-private blogs and I've gotten curious.  Is it just the kid-factor (those with kids choose to go private)?  Or is there more to it?  Obviously it's more for some of you because a few of my "private" friends don't have kids... : )  Do share.  I'm intrigued. 

If anyone would be more comfortable sharing their reasons privately, either send me a facebook message or shoot me an email.  I'm really interested in hearing people's thoughts!


Karis Brandes said...

It was a combination of things for me (in going private). One reason was that I was having troubles with someone hacking my Facebook and my blog and targeting one of my friends and saying very hurtful things to her, using my identity. Not cool. Also, I was getting a lot of random strangers both looking at my blog and leaving very rude and hurtful comments on my posts. Also not cool. At the time I went private, we had just found out that I was pregnant and so the kid factor also came into play - wanting to protect them from "predators" - and figured it was easier to go private now than wait a 9 months and then make the switch. Plus, it's just nice to know exactly who is reading your blog.

Marsha said...

I feel you can't be too safe. The police officer in my family always recommends not divulging too much info about yourself online, which influenced me going private(and to tighten up my security on all my sites)

Another reason, I had strangers commenting, and didn't feel comfortable with them knowing the personal details of my life. And part of what I love about my blog is sharing those details.

I feel that even with a private blog I get the same followers that I did before I was private. I also like knowing who is reading my blog, and with a private blog you can know that.