Friday, May 8, 2009

Clouds and Answers...

It’s cloudy. It’s dark. It’s +1 degree. It’s May 8. What???

Canada punishing me for making plans to move somewhere warmer?

Days like today make me so sleepy. If only I could just close my eyes…just for a minute…

In true random style…my answers…

I really like orange. It makes me feel hungry and happy. That’s why my basement and front door are both orange (but a rich deep orange, not a light, bright pumpkin orange).

I also like green. It’s restful. It’s peaceful. It’s natural. It’s the color my sister and Marsha and I painted my parents’ family room as a surprise…it’s also glow-in-the-dark, come to think of it. And, the first house we bought was green…also glow-in-the-dark. Go Riders.

Blue is nice. When the sky is blue, it means that it’s summer. When the water is blue, it means that the sky is blue and, therefore, summer. Our bathrooms are blue. My jeans are blue. I have three or more blue blankets in our house. Blue is nice.

Red is the name of my blog. I do like red, but it has to be a certain shade of red to REALLY appeal to me. If it’s poppy red instead of cherry red (according to Mr. Laurentian) it just won’t cut it.

Yellow is a happy color. My high school bedroom was yellow. It’s the color of warmth and sunshine. It’s hard to color something yellow, though, because it’s usually pretty light. But light is good.

I like brown. It is warm and cozy. A lot of our house (kitchen and entrance and living room and hallway) is one shade of brown or another. Almost everything goes with it too.

Black is a good classic color. White is also a great classic. I love them both, though if you want me to get all technical, they aren’t really colors in and of themselves. Depending on the color theory you’re working with, they’re either all the colors mixed or the absence of color. (right?) Speaking of science, last night, as Nathan and I were going to bed, I explained to him the difference between mass and weight. Oh, the things I remember from high school science. It’s all so practical! I just can’t keep all my knowledge from spilling!!

What color don’t I like? Um…pukey green-yellow-brown. Peach isn’t my favourite either. Pink is pretty good (for certain things). Purple is with red in that it needs to be the right color of purple, but get it right and I love it.

If I could have a cat and name it anything, I would probably name it…
Burton or something. Or Louise. I would have to have two cats, though, if I named one Louise. I couldn’t just have a Louise. I would have to have Burton & Louise. Don’t ask me why.

I’ve had a lot of cats in my day. Would you like to hear some of the names? Butterscotch (Buddy), Ginger (Ginny), Cinnamon, Vanilla, Paprika (Pappy), Caramel, Chocolate, Peppermint, All-Spice (Ally), and Cocoa. I know there were more (Alicia, do you remember?) Do you sense a trend? I recall us kids raiding my mom’s spice rack and flavouring cupboard whenever there were new kittens… We also had Oscar, Sally-Sue, and Kitty, but they didn’t fit in at all. Our dogs (Zasha, Rocky, Goldie and Mocha) didn’t fit in either.

I answer the phone at work because people expect me to, even though I don’t really want to and wish I didn’t have to. I used to help in youth even though I really didn’t want to (this was more in the beginning when I didn’t know anyone and was SUPER stressed) but as the pastor’s wife, people expected it. I also cook supper some nights because it’s expected. I can’t think of very many things that change what I do just because people expect it…Oh wait! Sometimes I’m quiet because people expect it. It’s not as simple as just not talking, but it’s more not making jokes or being as outgoing because of what people’s surprised reactions would be. Perhaps I can break out of this again when we meet all new people at seminary…? Not that I’m a loud person who’s just being repressed…I’m just not quite as ordinary and quiet as I sometimes seem to be…I’d say this blog is a pretty good indication of what goes on inside. This, plus many more layers, of course.

p.s-Marsha?! Why didn't you tell me that I was missing your link on my sidebar!? I've been missing your posting since I started my new blog!!!

1 comment:

Alicia Buhler said...

Peach - remember how much peach was in the trailer when we first moved in!

I remember we had a "Curry" and didn't Robin get a kitten from us one time called "Pepsi"?