Wednesday, September 9, 2009


After 5-6 months on the market, our house is officially SOLD! It is such a relief to have this process over with and to have some funds to work with for school/living. A week ago we were feeling quite at the end of our rope, with our timeline running out and no offers on the table. And then we received two offers within two days! So for the past week we have been negotiating and faxing and emailing and calling and working out the details. And yesterday we got an email that all the conditions have been removed (financing and house inspection) and that we have officially sold! Now all that needs to be done is the legal paperwork with the lawyers, but as far as everyone involved is concerned, the sale is final! Whoo-hoo! There will, indeed, be a celebration to come!


Sabrina said...

Eeeekkkkkkk!!! This is GREAT news!!! I am so excited for you guys, and so encouraged at the way you trusted in God as provider - even if things weren't making sense. Congrats!

Kelsie-Lynn said...

AHH! That is SO SO SO exciting. We are so totally thrilled for you guys. What an awesome answer to prayer.

Anonymous said...

Whoo-hoo is right! I'm so happy for you two!

Stacey said...

Wooohooo!!!! Congrats ;) That's a huge blessing :)