Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Empty Arms...

Infertility stuff has been really hard lately (as you may or may not have picked up from recent posts).  There has been alot to process and work through.  I don't have much to share right now.  But please take a minute to go to the link and watch the video.  Consider it the words that I couldn't put to our situation myself...because it expresses where we are right now perfectly (minus what it says about treatments).

Empty Arms

It will be a tough Christmas this year...if we'd gotten pregnant right away, our little baby would be turning 3...


Sylvia said...

I write with tears in my eyes, having watched the video. I wish my shoulder were in California for you to cry on. The fact that you married my son shows that I never had to walk the road you are walking because Nathan was the answer to our prayers for a child. We LOVE you so much!

Peter said...

Powerful video. Can't offer you much but this:

This is not how it should be
This is not how it could be
This is how it is
And our God is in control

Steven Curtis Chapman
Our God Is In Control

This I believe with ALL my heart. Just turns out it is not easy to live.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I love this video and so wished I could have posted it too on my blog or given it to loved ones. Hugs and thinking of you!!!

Janelle said...

big big hugs.
my computer isn't letting me watch it right now - but i'm anxious to check it out.
it's 4 years for us this month...and it doesn't get easier. :(
praying for you.