Saturday, January 2, 2010


It's official...I'm an Etsy seller.  I just need to personalize it and add items.  But after four hours of trying to think of a name and setting up an account, my head is hurting and I'm done for one day.  Feel free to check out my shop in the next couple days and hopefully I'll get some stuff up soon!

UniquelyMeDesign (

If anyone out there is an Etsy seller, PLEASE give advice/how to.  I have no idea how to:
-  add a banner (to personalize the shop)
-  sell items
-  ship items (from the States)

HELP!  email me or facebook me or comment any advice you have!


Sylvia said...

What's an etsy seller? I don't understand. Could you please teach me about it?

Karis Brandes said...

Wow! You're so cool Niki!

Marsha said...

I LOVELOVELOVE the name! I already added you as one of my fav sellers. Perhaps I will be one of your first shoppers(a good person to test this stuff out on)!

I would like to order some beanies :)

Stacey said...

I'm an Etsy BUYER!! :) Yup, no experience in selling, but I sure can buy. Now I'm off to check out your shop.

Chantelle - ThousandSquareFeet said...

Those are all questions I would have as well! Thankfully, my sister has been on Etsy for a couple of years and has 2 stores so I figure if I ever get going she can show me how its done! I hope you find someone that can help you out!