Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tastes of Canada

Today was an exciting mail day for me!  I was sitting there quilting, minding my own business, when Nathan came in and told me that he was going to open up his prized bag of Ruffles All Dressed chips that he got for Christmas from his parents. (they don't have such chips in the States)

Here he is enjoying his chips:

I took that interruption as a good excuse to get up from my sewing machine and go get the mail.  As I walked to our box, I was preparing myself, as I do every day, for empty nothingness in our box.  But I got a WONDERFUL surprise!!!  It was not only a good mail day, it was a great mail day!

Let me show you:

I joined a book review club over Christmas week and requested my first book.  And it arrived today!  This seems like a great deal.  I request a book.  Once I get the book, I read it and post a 200 word review on my blog, on a review site of my choice, and on the original site (I think).  Once I've done that, I can request another book!  And the best's FREE!  I'll always take free books...especially if all I have to do is write 200 words.  No problems here!
(I think I'll be posting the reviews over at another blog that I set up especially for books that I've been can find it HERE)

And the second exciting mail item:

That, my dear friends, is a CARAMILK BAR!!!  From Canada!  My amazing, sweet sister-in-law and brother-in-law sent it to us in our Christmas card!  I'd been craving a Caramilk bar, even going so far as to say that it was all I wanted for Christmas (alongside a baby, of course).

Well, back to my quilting I go!


Trev and Rebekah said...

Yeah for mail and for reminders of home. Hugs!

Alyssa said...

Wow. I want to read that book. I just looked it up and it looks super interesting! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!!

Anonymous said...

I must admit. The Caramilk bar was all Karis' doing. I am glad that you enjoyed it though. Even if it was in a thousand pieces.
Also you have me intrigued about the book club. How does it work? Is it just a US thing?