Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Statuses of My Day (Facebook Style)

Niki (B McC)…is not sure that she got out of bed as early as she should have this morning.

Niki…wishes her morning hadn’t started with a phone call from the dentist.

Niki…is glad that she walked to work this morning in the blowing snow…she had been lacking some excitement for California winters lately…

Niki…is looking forward to lunch…and going home early after lunch.

Niki…thinks emails are wonderful things and would love to get some…she promises to write back…

Niki…hopes to finish the fuzzy pants that she’s sewing for her brother tonight.

Niki…loves Orville Redenbacher’s Buttery Popcorn and hopes that she made at least a few mouths water when she wrote that.

Niki…doesn’t want to be “American” and have a “Canadian” dog…

Niki…has a headache and is wondering why it is her third one this week…oh wait, she remembers… :)

Niki…is moving.

Niki…is on Facebook.
(ok, who writes that? Obviously! Tell me something I don’t know!)

Niki…likes Pepsi over Coke, Peanuts over Cracker Jacks, and not so much long walks on the beach…but it’s a nice thought and she’ll gladly sit on the beach with you.

Niki…wishes Marsha could pick out all her clothes for her…or that she was close enough for a closet raid…

Niki…thought spring flooding in MB was normal…weren’t basements here created to be swimming pools?

Niki…wants to make sure everyone knows that her basement is as dry as a desert and is perfectly safe from flooding…buy me…

Niki…is wondering if something got lost in translation…


Marsha said...

come raid my closet any day...preferably soon! I miss you

Marsha said...

p.s. Sometimes I raid my own closet! I did it this morning cause I was bored with my same old work clothes :) (I have a closet in the basement of clothes I rarely wear)