Friday, March 27, 2009

Things you can run out of…

- money
- time
- road
- hair (if you’re doing an up-do and there’s not enough hair)
- space
- town (you can literally run out of town)
- energy
- things to write about

Can anyone help me with the last one? I’m asking for thoughts on what to write. What do you want to know? Got any story ideas for me to turn into a tale? Would it be helpful to anyone if I recapped the last 6 months (and our thoughts for the next 6 months) in one post? What would make my blog more interesting? Or is it interesting already? FEEDBACK!!! I need your thoughts!

Hmm…maybe I’ll make a threat that I won’t post again until I have 10 ideas…


Marsha said...

Blog is great! Very interesting I check daily (part of my routine) loved the facebook statuses.
-I don't know if you remember but a long time ago we had a list of really dumb questions like "if you had a head of clay what would you shape it into" and "would you rather die young or live long lonely" Those are really off the wall questions that you could write about(I'm pretty sure I still have the list in a box somewhere).
-You could write out some of those crazy dreams you used to have.
-Favorite memories with Husband (the romantics would like this)
-If you could be any animal what would you be?
-Description of your favorite foods or flowers.
-A recipe. Recipe gone wrong like chocolate cool whip :)
-how to crochet a scarf (could be hard to type out w/o showing.)
-list numbers 1 thru 10 and try to find something significant about each number
-do acronyms for words like Lennox, California, etc.
ok...running out of ideas..and some of those are very dumb lol. But should give you some food for thought. I'll post again if I think of any others

Alicia Buhler said...

Some of the questions Marsha suggested remind me of the "Chat Pack" I bought last week, a deck of conversations starter cards. Perhaps Googling "conversation starters" would give you some interesting ideas. One idea from my deck of cards was if you had to replace your signature with a small picture/doodle, what would you draw? or if you had to pick a new first name, what would you pick and why?

Stacey said...

Just blog your life! And whenever you find something else that's 'profound' or whatever, toss that into the mix.