Friday, May 22, 2009

Wordless doesn't have the same ring as Wordless Wednesday, but it works

OK, I can't post pictures without words...I always have to tell you why I love the pictures...
These were all taken with my new Canon 50mm f1.8. I LOVE it!

Look at what's in focus in this picture...the stem and the petals about halfway back on the flower. Isn't that amazing?!

Backlighting makes the petals opaque, thus showing all the different layers and veins. So pretty!

Here the backlighting shows the layers and veins and makes for some awesome rich colors.
Very dramatic.

This one kinda bugs me because it looks completely photoshopped, but it's not! The detail in the middle is actually what my camera caught. Pretty crazy, huh?

I love the color transition from light yellow to dark red throughout the frame. What a great combination of colors!

And in this one, if you look closely, the petals of the middle flower look like they're made of wood. Isn't that pretty amazing? I focused on the tips of the petals so they're in focus while the rest of the frame is slightly out of focus (thanks to that f1.8!).

These flowers are thanks to Mom Buhler...happy fourth anniversary to us!
Four Gerbera Daisies.


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty awesome lens (and a talented photographer)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos, Niki! Isn't it fun to see the stuff of life through such a confined means? It really makes you take a closer look - and it's fun to "create" art through the art God's already made :).

Alicia Buhler said...

They're all beautiful but I think my favorite picture is the second one. Thanks for sharing!