Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Look for Fall

Since Back-to-School shopping isn't really a feasible option for this year, I figured the least I could do is give my blog a (free!) new fall look. But what a ton of work! Two and a half hours of picking a template and re-setting all my links. There has GOT to be a faster way of doing this! But at least I have something new to look at for a while! At long last, time for a movie night with my love. Later!


Chris said...

I love the new look. Very clean and cheerful. Have a great week!

Marsha said...

lookin good! Very fall-esque

Kyra said...

Love it!! Very pretty

Alicia Buhler said...

Good choice for fall - and so what if it took you 2.5 hours, don't you have all the time in the world these days? :)

Sparlingo said...

I like it! Jeremy and I got rid of one of our two computers (simplifying), and it ended up being my computer that left. Meaning my blogroll is gone. Meaning I almost forgot the daily ritual that is checking your blog and those of my other friends. Nice to see you're still at it. I miss you!