Wednesday, September 15, 2010

still aROUND...

Today marks two weeks until due date.  Honestly, I wondered if this day would ever come.  At first it was the fear of something happening, of not deserving this blessing and feeling like it would be taken before it's time.  And then, as we passed each month's mark, I slipped into feeling like this was the perpetual in the one that would last forever.  I knew that other people's pregnancies ended in babies, but it felt for much of the spring/summer like we would never actually meet this little person, but that I would just get bigger and bigger and stay pregnant forever.  And then we hit August sometime and it seemed to become real.  I was pregnant, things were going well, and, Lord-willing, we would be parents in just a few short weeks.  And now we're just days away.

When we hit September on the calendar, I seriously felt like this baby would come early.  Despite my mom and grandma both being over-due with all of their babies, I felt like this one would be different.  Now that we are two weeks into September and feeling no closer to labour and delivery, I'm starting to feel like I may carry the over-due trait.  Oh well.  This baby will come when he/she is good and ready.  (though any tips on what worked to "induce" your labour would indeed be welcome!)

So, since I'm sitting at home these days, basically just waiting for things to get going, there doesn't feel like there's much to share.  I could come and write on my blog every day that things still haven't happened, but then I might miss a day and oh boy would I have you all excited!  Hmm...might be worth it... 

Some of these days I have more energy than others so I use it for baking or cooking something (usually for the freezer) or for cleaning the house.  And then other days I have less energy so I spend most of the day reading or randomly looking things up online or blog-stalking.  But overall, most of my days look basically the same.  I'm just trying to enjoy the last of these "uneventful" days before we get into a new routine of feeding and changing and playing and napping and...rocking.

Two days ago was a bit of a different day.  My mom and dad and grandma came out to visit for my birthday!  They brought lunch and we ate together and then visited and played some Skip-bo and had tea.  It was a lovely change of pace.  After they left for home, Nathan and I decided to go to the city and we did a little bit of this and that and had supper out so that I wouldn't have to cook or do dishes on my birthday.  It was a great first day of my 26th year.  : )

And today I did something out of the ordinary, too!  I painted my toe nails.  It's not that I have too much trouble reaching my toes thanks to my lovely short legs, but to get the angle of the brush right and to try to accomplish "staying in the lines" when your hands and feet are going numb and falling asleep...well, it's not an easy task.  But my toes are done, my legs are shaved, and I'm ready to go.  Let's just hope that I don't have to do this again before d-day.

So I guess life has been exciting lately.  Hm.  What do you know?  I do do more than just sit around all the time...


Karis Brandes said...

Wow, very impressed about painting the nails! My mom and I were going to get pedicures on the Friday so I could have pretty nails again but the babies came on Tuesday! So much for being prepared! Maybe now that your legs and toes are pretty you'll go into labour (I did actually spontaneously shave my legs the day before going into labour so maybe that's a labour inducing thing!)

Kelsie-Lynn said...

Well I went into labor at the redberry scrap book retreat. So maybe it was all the scrapbooking (and I was 4 weeks early). You could try that. I don't have to work as much next week if you are up for it I'd love to visit.

The Hatch's said...

Hey Nikki...I hear ya with the waiting thing...I'm only 5 days or so behind you and I too would love to be done. I am still working up until the end though (the joys of camp life) so I do have that to keep me occupied in the meantime. I just keep looking at it and thinking that it won't be MORE than 5 weeks from now! Have fun filling your days!