Monday, February 15, 2010

Random thoughts...

-  Nathan and I spent a couple hours in Starbucks today doing homework.  It's nice to get off campus together sometimes, even if the activities of campus follow us...

-  I just realized this weekend that the fabric I bought HERE and made into THIS QUILT, actually stretches far enough to make another two quilts!  I sewed another quilt top on Friday evening and have the fabric cut for yet another quilt top.  I didn't think I bought that much...only 1 yard of four different fabrics.  I guess that is quite a bit when each quilt is only 40x60 ish.  Makes for tons of fun for me, though!

-  Today is a long weekend down in the States too.  President's Day.  Whoop-de-doo.  Nathan is enjoying a day without any classes (when he would normally have had both an afternoon class and an evening one) but I'm sticking to routine.  Monday is house cleaning day.  I usually try to wash the floors, vacuum and do laundry.  This week the bathroom may need to be cleaned on Monday as well, and perhaps the kitchen.  Oh, and the spare bedroom.  Ever since we re-arranged our living room and added the bookshelf from the spare bedroom, that room has been a disaster.  And my parents will be here in two weeks!  It needs to be cleaned before too long anyway! 

-  Nathan is reading outside today.  It was a foggy, chilly morning (8 degrees when we got up) and the heat wasn't on in the house, so it felt pretty cool inside too.  But it has warmed up quite a bit and it is now 14 degrees.  The high for today is 19 and it usually makes it at least to the forecasted high, if not higher.  I certainly don't mean to brag, but it really does feel beautiful outside.  All of our doors/windows are open and the fresh air is amazing.  We've had an exceptionally rainy winter in California this year (which we needed), but it is nice to have the sun back.  Don't worry, all you Canadians.  I am not taking it for granted.  I am still a Canadian from the prairies and am enjoying the weather to all it's sunny, warm fullness!

-  Well, not sure what else is happening.  Anyone out there have any burning questions for me? 

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Dad has his feet in the sun because they're cold, but solar energy works! It's another gorgeous, sunny, albeit cold day in SK!