Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lagging in the Photo-Sphere

I was looking in my iphoto this morning for a picture that I could add to my blog so that I could show you what I’ve been taking photos of recently. The last one in my “art” folder was dated January 9, 09. Ouch. I guess it’s been a while. Sure, I’ve been taking pictures since January, but they’ve been more of people, dog and events rather than just going out and making beautiful pictures. Today feels like the first day of spring here, so perhaps the next time I venture outside, I’ll have to resurrect the habit of grabbing the camera whenever I leave the house. And then, folks, I will share with you, through my lens, all the beauty that is around me.

But, since I went to all the trouble of looking for a picture to share with you, I can’t leave this post photo-empty. This is my last “art” photograph. I’m pretty sure I took it for a reason, but can’t seem to remember quite what the reason was.
I like how old and quaint it looks. (it looks a lot darker here on my work computer than it did on my laptop, so if it looks too dark to you, imagine it lighter, because that’s the way it should look) Soon, those Fahrenheit numbers might actually mean something to me. Currently, I go by the letters in Honeywell. We usually keep it around or just over the first “E” while we’re home, and turn it down to the “N” when we’re not home and halfway between the “N” and “E” for nights. Haha…I couldn’t tell you what temperature that means our house is at!

1 comment:

Peter said...

OK, that was definitely exciting. Whats the life lesson?